"There is no plot."
The movie The Matrix had a ridiculously stupid background story: the machines are keeping humans alive to provide power via their body heat and neuro-electrical activity because during its war with us, we deployed a weapon that makes the world permanently cloudy so solar power won't work (apparently the machines' primary energy source). There are a lot of problems with this:
1) How were we planning on growing food if we did this to the planet?
2) There are energy sources other than solar the machines could've switched to
3) The food required to keep a person alive takes far more energy to grow than they put out
Rather than this asinine rationale, how about this: the computers were charged with keeping humanity healthy and happy but we were so poor at managing our planet, despite warnings, that the computer determined that the only way to accomplish its orders was to place us all in virtual environments. To the computer's way of thinking there is no practical difference between a real existence and an indistinguishable virtual one. This adds some moral ambiguity on the part of humanity for ruining the planet and showcases an interesting difference between human and AI perspectives on the nature of existence.
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