Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Planning for the Future

Since the age of sixteen I have had a specific phrase that I could include in any communication from myself in the future in order for it to be certifiably authentic. While I don't expect a time traveling communication technology to be ever be invented (let alone within my lifetime), it seemed an easy enough preparation to make. Obviously I can't share the phrase with you or it would compromise its utility. I encourage everyone to spend a couple minutes coming up with a similar code phrase (or just a PIN number). It can't hurt, unless you're careless enough to tell a friend what it is; then the hoaxing possibilities are limitless.

I figure the cost benefit analysis breaks down like this:

Chance of it occurring = almost zero.
Importance if it did occur = very high.
Cost to prepare = almost zero.

Since the expected benefit, (almost zero)*(very high), is greater than the cost, almost zero, it's worth creating the password.

1 comment:

  1. Upon hearing about this preparation, a friend of mine referred to it as "insanely rational".
