Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Romney

How can I get a Romney sticker without giving his campaign any money?

When blowing snow in a wind, you have to swivel the discharge chute 180 degrees every time you reach the end of a row and turn around in order to keep blowing downwind. This involves furiously cranking the adjustment handle while wheeling the whole blower in a circle, which is a real pain. While sick a bit ago, I designed and built this snow-blower chute, which can flip 180 degrees in an instant (hence its namesake). Making the nozzle fit the snow-blower was tricky: I had to keep the control handle short so it wouldn't stick out further than the width of the blower when rotated 90 degrees, the chute's height had to be as small as possible or it would clog when the snow was wet and heavy, the tippable nozzle couldn't be too long or it would hit the engine, and the standard heating duct I used required an adapter to match the snow-blower's discharge pivot ring. The geometry of the top of the vertical duct was interesting, because it needs to seal the back of the tipped chute when angled in either direction. I worked out the math (two cylinders intersecting at 45 degrees) and then printed a paper template which I taped onto the metal and then cut it to shape with tin snips. As you can see, it seals very well but it's impossible to observe the actual shape in photos (it just looks generically round).


  1. Hi Scott! Your gmail address doesn't work, but I hope you want catch up. Nice haircut, looks very good!


  2. Address hasn't changed. I sent a message to the last email I had for you; hopefully you'll receive it.
