Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gore Most Likely Would've Prevented 9/11

We know now that the information necessary to prevent the attacks of 9/11 was floating around our various intelligence agencies and it was primarily a lack of cooperation that led to it not being acted upon in time. Had Gore become president in 2000, he would not have have been guilty of the now infamous failure to heed the brief warning of Bin Laden's intention to attack with the U.S. With the president pressuring our agencies to look into this threat, the aforementioned failure to coordinate would most likely have been overcome and the plot exposed in time to prevent it. Of course, had that occurred, we'd probably never have learned about it, but many of the important security improvements (most notably the reinforcement of cockpit doors) would likely still have been implemented. Let this serve as a lesson to those who feel that ability and experience are somehow optional in executive positions.

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