Saturday, May 14, 2011

New Show Rating Booster System

An ounce of viewership is worth a pound of petitioning

A campaign to revive a cancelled show is like waiting until cancer is at stage IV before treating it. Much better to avoid the situation altogether by identifying good shows and spreading the word to fans who would like such content, as well as notifying them about schedule changes (an often identified reason new shows fail to attract a viewership). The mechanics of such a system are fairly straightforward, being similar to standard recommendation systems (although critic rated techniques like those employed by Clerkdogs (now defunct) could identify matches sooner which matters a lot in this context), and it would be a much better use of their energies. Since shows do compete for time slots and production resources, it's a lot like a political campaign, and getting out your base can definitely yield a disproportionate influence. Such an approach would still only be a bandaid on an inherently flawed production system, but that's another issue.

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