Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Power of Negative Thought

Originally posted on my private blog May 20th, 2008.

This photo reeks of objectivity. Not.

People often talk about the beneficial power of having a positive attitude on ones immune system. The idea is that being upbeat supposedly makes your body more able than normal to fight off disease. I think this is exactly backwards and that it's really that negative thought impedes the immune system, causing it to work worse than normal. Just as cold is the absence of heat, it's that the lack of thinking negatively that helps. Behold, the power of negative thought!


Since writing this, I've learned that the evidence for the direct effect of a positive attitude on one's physiological health is all basically negative. Indirect effects owing to stricter adherence to treatment regimens and the like would fit in well with my negative thought hypothesis, however, despite its main purpose being satire.

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